goTenna Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Police Brutality

Jun 5, 2020

About goTenna

goTenna is advancing universal access to connectivity by building the world's most intelligent and scalable mobile mesh networks. goTenna is the world's leading mobile mesh networking company, providing off-grid connectivity solutions for smartphones and other devices, as well as augmenting traditional communications networks. This technology enables mobile, long-range connectivity without cell, wifi, or satellite connectivity. goTenna's drive to create resilient connectivity began during Hurricane Sandy in 2012 when approximately a third of cell towers and power stations in affected areas failed. goTenna's products are currently used by over 300 law enforcement, military, and public safety agencies worldwide. goTenna is backed by investors including Founders Fund, Union Square Ventures, Comcast Ventures, Collaborative Fund, and Bloomberg Beta.

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At goTenna, we build mesh networks to aid human interaction — to create connectivity where it previously did not exist, to ensure critical information is delivered to the people who need it most, and to secure lives and livelihoods in a world where the stakes have never been higher. 

Last week, we witnessed the ghastly killing of George Floyd, which was senseless, unjustified, and wrong. His death and those of countless others have exposed deeply rooted issues — systemic racism and police brutality — that we must collectively address, and this has to happen at all levels, whether we boldly march in the streets, draft and enact public policy, or faithfully take an oath to protect and serve our communities. Now more than ever, we must support those advocates and champions who are tirelessly and courageously working to bridge the distressing gaps in our society and work towards meaningful, lasting change; and we must challenge ourselves, try to better understand one another, and proactively build stronger connections with each other. 

As a company, we’ve donated to black-led organizations that further our society as a whole by empowering the black community’s ability to peacefully assemble, vote, shape policy, teach tolerance, and assert their human and civil rights. At the same time, we’ve expanded our own discovery as individuals — dedicating employee education stipends to books that explain and address structural inequality, racism, and the black experience and history in America. These voices deserve to be heard by all, as they teach us to look at the world through a new lens.

Today, we’re also meeting as a company to listen, reflect, and learn from each other. Our colleagues will be sharing their experiences as members of their communities here in Brooklyn and across the country — some of us black, some of us white, some of us brown, some of us immigrant; some of us once proudly donned a uniform and served our nation, in our cities as first responders or abroad in our armed forces. We come from many diverse backgrounds but also share many common passions and ideals, chief among them the need to protect and uphold freedom and equality for every person in the United States, and the world.

Tomorrow and every day after, we’ll work even harder to embody our company’s values: collaboration, urgency, adaptivity, and impact. We believe diverse, mission-driven teams deliver better outcomes — not just for some of us, but for all.

Daniela Perdomo, Co-Founder & CEO of goTenna